Thursday, 28 November 2013

Inside or outside design.

It's just how my brain works, inspiration comes at times you least expect it and so when I was at the local Aquarium I thought about how a fish has a soft exterior built around a skeleton and I thought it could add another riding dimension by putting a component inside a mat. Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos As the mat inflates the sides are drawn in between 5% to 20% of the original length/ width and a flexible frame inside would be held by the forces of inflation. Of course the thicker the mat inflates the greater the reduction in width so each mat design would have its own frame shape and size. Fr'instance, a flat, empty mat 111cms X 61cm loses 5% of its length and 10% of its width at a 90 degree inflation it's also 3.75 in thick. And at full inflation the mat is now 5 inches thick, loses no more length, but loses 20% of its original width.

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